Tom Magen: Follow Your Heart

Tom Magen is a one of an amenable business coach. He also loves traveling and photography. In early he dreamed of seeing the world. Though he didn’t start off as a travel blogger, he made the leap to entrepreneurship when he decided it was time to follow his heart.

Tom Magen Happy Life
“The advice I always give to people is that you have to follow your heart,” said Tom Magee. “I was miserable in my old career compared to how happy I am now. I might have made more money, I might have slept in a cushy bed more often, but I wasn’t really in love with my life. When I gave it up all to be a pro traveler, that’s when I got happy.”
If you’d like to heed Tom Mage’s advice and follow his footsteps to happiness, take time to explore what makes you happy and what you think your destiny is. Once you find it, make a plan and follow it, step-by-step, until you succeed.

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